  • Register

   *Important Note for New Accounts and Password Resets:

   The email system is not currently working. You will get an email error if you create a new account,
   but please disregard, as you can still login to your new account with the username and password
   you entered on the registration page.

   As for password resets for existing accounts, they will not work because of the broken email
   system. The only way to gain access is for a clan administrator to manually change the password
   temporarily so that users can successfully login again. For password resets please contact
   [BBF]Poptardz or any other clan admin for assistance.

Welcome to Clan BBF!
HQ for all things Baptized by Fire!

Here at Baptized by Fire, we value a strong community of friends and gamers who like to have fun playing awesome games with awesome people. And with that bond, BBF wouldn't be alive today if it were not for a place where all our members could call Home.

This is ClanBBF.com and we invite you to take a look around our website and learn more about us!

From here, we encourage you to visit any of our other pages including:
- Our Community Forum
- The Join BBF Page
- Our About and History Page
- The Clan Ranks and Current Officers
- Our Clan Heroes

BBF also has Discord servers. If you would like to join, please click on the button below to go to our voice chat page where you will find invite links to connect!


Thank You!

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Clan BBF (Baptized By Fire) and www.clanbbf.com operate as a multiplayer gaming clan and gaming fansite, and are not endorsed by, or affiliated with Activision-Blizzard, BioWare, Blizzard Entertainment, Bohemia Interactive, DICE, Discord, Electronic Arts, Facepunch Studios, Lucas Arts, Microsoft, NCSOFT, Riot Games, Sony, Teamspeak, Tencent, Telltale Games, Twitch.tv, or their respective properties.

Content and media are displayed on this site for educational and informational purposes only under 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use, are subject to copyright by their respective owners, and should not be downloaded, redistributed, modified, or sold without their express consent. Views and content published on www.clanbbf.com are written by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the views of Clan BBF.

More information can be found at our full disclosure page.

Copyright © 2016. Clan BBF. All rights reserved.