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[BBF]hisgun : Was lots of spam this time I visited. Not my job but had to clean it up.....Hate spam.
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Muggermadison : Here!
01/08/2023 - 16:18
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[BBF]hisgun : 1/1/2023 My last Roll Call is now posted.. The last 3 months it has only been me, before that the most we got was me and [BBF] SCHWARTZWALD we had 3 hit about 11 months ago.
01/02/2023 - 03:26 2
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[BBF]Chaser : So many of times in the chat.
11/02/2022 - 19:46
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Muggermadison : Oh Cool as long as WOW C runs on an old PC I can play. Not upgraded in 12 years. These old boards are getting a little creaky and well locking up at random times but still ready to play.
10/07/2022 - 10:51
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[BBF]hisgun : Oct, Roll Call is posted for Members. Please hit the red "Read More" in the Announcement at the top of any forum Thank You.
10/01/2022 - 23:04

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Changes to come.

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Changes to come. was created by [BBF]Chaser

The MC staff has been considering some new changes and before I post those I want to get the opinion of others and some greed back as to what they might want to see.

Let us know what you want to see....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II
25 Mar 2014 12:42 #50159

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Replied by [BBF]DetroOps on topic Changes to come.

As I don't play minecraft (especially on BBF's server) I don't know if this has been said before.
I think there should be some kind of rankup plugin. I suggest auto rank.

It has the ability to track:
Number of votes for the server
Exp you have
How many kills you have
How many deaths you have
KD Ratio
Items in your inventory
and more.

I think it would be neat if we could lose the whole Guest and BBF ranks, and make it to where each rank you need to do different things to rankup in.
(I have experience with this plugin, Chase. I'll be willing to set it up to your standards :))

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25 Mar 2014 18:57 #50167

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Replied by [BBF]Chaser on topic Changes to come.

Great Idea. The only reason we haven't done something like this is because its is not really conducive to the clan atmosphere of things. We want people to want to earn the BBF tags and we want people to apply and become apart of the clan. This has always been a struggle trying to find a happy place for guests yet still offering enough perks and benefits for clan members and some incentive for guests to want to register and become part of BBF.
25 Mar 2014 21:34 #50169

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Replied by [BBF]DetroOps on topic Changes to come.

Hmm. I haven't tried it, but maybe you could do 2 different group rankups? You know how to do a sub group with groupmanager, make that the BBF, and make the main group one of the rankup ranks. I'd have to experiment, or you, but it may be possible.

Also, I don't think the sub groups are really necessary. I understand giving them perks would make more people want to join, and make BBF members feel "so special". I'd have to think of another solution if you want to keep that, special perks, thing for BBF members, but I don't think its really necessiary.
You have:
Members (Server members)
-Including rankups
-Ex. Hisgun and Itchy
-MC Officers
-You and/or Future GC.

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26 Mar 2014 18:17 #50188

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Replied by [BBF]Chaser on topic Changes to come.

I am going to have a little free time this weekend i am going to look at some things. Alot of it has to do with the chat plugin we use as well right now we use Towny chat and im looking to get something different still not sure what were going to end up doing yet.
26 Mar 2014 18:32 #50191

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Replied by [BBF]Mr_DuCe on topic Changes to come.

*walks in*
*walks out*
[align=center:26ijt78y][font=arial:26ijt78y]In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.[/font:26ijt78y][/align:26ijt78y]
28 Mar 2014 12:26 #50226

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