About BBF
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About Baptized by Fire

  • Clan BBF is a worldwide online community of gamers who take pride in being honorable, respectful, and fair! We do NOT recruit based on skill, rather on attitude, and a willingness to work together to focus on teamwork and fun!

  • Our Mission

    • To become one of the most fun and respectable battle clans on the internet.
    • To be known as a major part of online gaming history.
    • To prove that you can have fun playing games online while being fair.

  • Our Mottos

    • "TILL ALL ARE ONE" (Clan Motto)
    • "Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die" (Second Golden age slogan)
    • "Fear the fire, Embrace the flame!" (BBF-X Motto)

  • The Five W's

    • Who: The clan is lead by the General of the Army and the appointed members of the Clan Leader Board(CLB).
    • What: The name of the clan is "Baptized by Fire", originally thought up by clan founders Hive Mind and Chods while they were at work one fine summer day.
    • When: The clan was officially founded on May 1st, 2000.
    • Where: BBF headquarters is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. However, our members come from all over the globe.
    • Why: BBF was created to bring people, from all over the globe, together because of their common interest in online gaming.

  • Clan Structure

    • The clan operates on three main levels of leadership all classified as the Clan Leadership Board (CLB):
      • Division Command: Ranks include 1 through 5 star.
      • Regiment Command: Ranks include Colonel.
      • Company Command: Ranks include GC, CGC, Captain, 1st and 2nd Lieutenant (per game division).

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Clan BBF (Baptized By Fire) and www.clanbbf.com operate as a multiplayer gaming clan and gaming fansite, and are not endorsed by, or affiliated with Activision-Blizzard, BioWare, Blizzard Entertainment, Bohemia Interactive, DICE, Discord, Electronic Arts, Facepunch Studios, Lucas Arts, Microsoft, NCSOFT, Riot Games, Sony, Teamspeak, Tencent, Telltale Games, Twitch.tv, or their respective properties.

Content and media are displayed on this site for educational and informational purposes only under 17 U.S.C. § 107 Fair Use, are subject to copyright by their respective owners, and should not be downloaded, redistributed, modified, or sold without their express consent. Views and content published on www.clanbbf.com are written by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the views of Clan BBF.

More information can be found at our full disclosure page.

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